The finance sector requires language solutions as much as any other field. Financial content in critical areas, such as retail and speculation banking, business banking, charge cards, funding, and stocks, need to be conveyed beyond language limitations.
At Oxford Lingua, we have a team of quality monetary linguists, researchers, and trainers who have worked inside worldwide money-related business sectors and worldwide venture banking. We can assist you with all the language boundaries that may be hindering you from accomplishing your financial objectives. We endeavour to offer savvy support and practical advice. Research studies that we conduct upon your request are backed by the necessary data and statistics to meet the requirements of our clients. We also design and deliver training programs around a variety of topics in the area of finance.
Our talented money and finance experts specialising in language and research have demonstrable abilities in providing the following services: Translation, Transcription, Transcreation, Subtitling, Copywriting, Research, and Training. Our professional monetary linguists, trainers, and researchers are very familiar with financial terminology, specialised language, and their insight will offer exceptional language, research and training solutions.
All services in Finance are available in English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Persian and in other languages too.