The scientific content is relatively more complex than other types of text and requires more attention while adapting to other languages. Compound scientific terminologies need careful language solutions, and if crucial components of the content are loosely translated, the results can be serious. You require precise and accurate language solutions when dealing with scientific content. With Oxford Lingua, you can be sure that your translations, research studies and training programs you require will be provided professionally and accurately to effectively serve the working strategies you utilise.
For science language adaptations of any sort, it is essential that the linguist comprehends the specialised language used as well as the scientific ideas that underpin the words. We at Oxford Lingua connect you with native speaker linguists who specialists who are themselves experienced science professionals. We can likewise give specialise in STEM subject, many of which are STEM academic and STEM professionals. Our services in Science include Translation, Transcription, Transcreation, Subtitling, Copywriting, Research, and Training. In all of these services, we ensure that the scientific importance of the text remains intact and is effectively communicated to a broader audience.
All of our specialist services related to Science are available in English, Arabic, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Turkish, Persian and in other languages too.